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Most of The Private Bank, Most of The Co-op. Bank of Gujarat and Atleast Nationalised Bank Branches of Gujarat are our honourable customer.

Small to Big Scale Jewelry firms are also our honourable customers for Key Pouches and Jewelry Bags.
Here are opinions of some of our clients.
Mr. Mankodi
General Manager (Banking)
The Ahmedabad
District Co Operative Bank Ltd.
"We are very happy to express our heartiest good wishes & compliments on the occasion of your company going to the Net. In this age of neck to neck competition & plenty of options for the customers, you have maintained & attained the position by you endeavor & sincere efforts for not compromising with the quality of your product & utmost satisfaction of your customers. We are sure, your step towards entering the Net would surely widen the scope of expending & flourishing your Business."
Mr. V .M. DesaiI
Asst.Gen.Manager (Banking)
The Surat District Co-operative
Bank Ltd.
"Key Pouch and Clearing - Cash Bags. We have been using for years are of good quality and after sale services too.."

The Kalupur Comm.Coop.Bank.Ltd.
" We are one of the most satisfied & large buyer customers of M/s. Utility Enterprise- Mahemdabad since 1992. We are happy to using Key Pouch, Bag for clearing & cash of this company. Nature of Proprietor Mr.Sanjay.A.Trivedi is most co-operative & good.
They supplied very good quality product & after sales service at very reasonable prices."
Mr. R. C. Baraiya
Chief Manager
State Bank of Saurashtra
"We are happy to mention that your product Key pouch and Clearing Bags purchased by our branch have been found of the best quality. Material used in products is also of good quality, which helps to last the product for longer period without any repairing. Our good wishes are with you at the time of launching a web site by your company."
Mr. R. M. Sharma
UCO Bank Currency Chest
" We are happy to mention that your product Key Pouch and Clearing Bags & Cash Bags Purchesed by our branch have been found of the best quality material used in product is also of good quality, which helps to last the product for longer period without any repairing. Our good wishes are with you at the time of launching a website.
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